Insula Libertatis, un Lugar para el Mal y la Subversión Moral en Matemos al Tío de Rohan O´Gra
Insula Libertatis, un Lugar para el Mal y la Subversión Moral en Matemos al Tío de Rohan O´Gra
Gil Montoya, Rigoberto
Autor corporativo
Recolector de datos
Director audiovisual
Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
Tipo de Material
Cita bibliográfica
Título de serie/ reporte/ volumen/ colección
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El presente documento tiene como objetivo una investigación en relación con la dudosa e
inusual construcción del infante en la obra Matemos al tío de Rohan O´Grady. Para llegar una
posible solución de la problemática, se debe hacer una paneo general de la obra desde los ojos de
los niños, es decir, darle una mirada al mundo complejo a partir de la perspectiva infantil. Además, es necesario conocer cómo funciona el principio rector en el hombre, haciendo énfasis
en la etapa de la adultez y la niñez, dado que, hay diferencias relevantes en esta construcción
social y la influencia que tiene sobre el ser humano. Además, es necesario profundizar en la
verdadera cara del mal, debido a el papel que tiene para complementar el mecanismo de la
moral dentro del hombre cultural y la sociedad. Es así como se puede observar los elementos subversivos de la obra, estos a su vez tiene un papel
notorio dentro de la construcción de la novela. A parte de ello, estos componentes son los que
marcan el estilo literario y estético de la escritora canadiense, Rohan O´Grady. Una estética de
comedia gótica, donde lo fantástico y lo realista salen a relucir en una historia sobre el asesinato
a un pariente por parte de dos infantes ¿Pueden los niños subvertir la moral para salvarse de un
destino trágico? ¿Cómo influye el mundo en el actuar de los infantes? ¿Qué tan lejos pueden
llegar las fantasías infantiles?
This document aims to investigate the dubious and unusual construction of the infant in Rohan O'Grady's book Let's Kill the Uncle. In order to arrive at a possible solution to the problem, a general overview of the book from the eyes of the children has to be made, that is to say take a look at the complex world from the children's perspective. In addition, it is necessary to know how the guiding principle works in man, with emphasis on the stage of adulthood and childhood, given that there are relevant differences in this social construction and the influence it has on the human being. Furthermore, it is essential to delve into the true face of evil, due to the role it plays in complementing the mechanism of morality within cultural man and society. This is how the subversive elements of the work can be observed, these in turn have a notorious role within the construction of the novel. In addition, these components are what mark the literary and aesthetic style of the Canadian writer Rohan O'Grady. A gothic comedy aesthetic, where the fantastic and the realistic come to the fore in a story about the murder of a relative by two children. Can children subvert morality to save themselves from a tragic fate? How does the world influence the actions of children? How far can children's fantasies go?
This document aims to investigate the dubious and unusual construction of the infant in Rohan O'Grady's book Let's Kill the Uncle. In order to arrive at a possible solution to the problem, a general overview of the book from the eyes of the children has to be made, that is to say take a look at the complex world from the children's perspective. In addition, it is necessary to know how the guiding principle works in man, with emphasis on the stage of adulthood and childhood, given that there are relevant differences in this social construction and the influence it has on the human being. Furthermore, it is essential to delve into the true face of evil, due to the role it plays in complementing the mechanism of morality within cultural man and society. This is how the subversive elements of the work can be observed, these in turn have a notorious role within the construction of the novel. In addition, these components are what mark the literary and aesthetic style of the Canadian writer Rohan O'Grady. A gothic comedy aesthetic, where the fantastic and the realistic come to the fore in a story about the murder of a relative by two children. Can children subvert morality to save themselves from a tragic fate? How does the world influence the actions of children? How far can children's fantasies go?